COVID-19 Information

According to most experts, the COVID-19 pandemic has now reached an endemic stage, meaning the disease spreads in a community at a normal and expected pace and is more stable and manageable. Please use this page as a resource of information that remains relevant about our COVID-19 response in the long term.
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Frequently Asked Questions

As of March 1, 2023, the NMSU system no longer requires COVID-19 vaccines as a condition of enrollment or employment. Individuals with a hire date of March 1, 2023, or later and students enrolling in classes beginning in the summer 2023 session or later are no longer required to provide proof of vaccination or apply for an exemption. Learn more

Students and employees who test positive for COVID-19 should follow current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines regarding isolation and return-to-work/class timelines. Students living in campus residence halls will no longer be required to move to an isolation room following a positive test – however voluntarily moving to an isolation room is still an option for students who wish to do so, and isolation units will remain available if not already occupied.

Students and employees are no longer required to report their positive COVID-19 cases through the online portal. Students living on campus should continue to report positive COVID-19 test results to residence life staff.

Masks are welcomed and encouraged for those who need or choose to wear them on campuses or sites. They are not required.

Health care or other specialized settings such as clinical education environments may have stricter requirements for vaccination or mask-wearing, which may apply to students or employees in those settings.

We have archived the NMSU Now website to remove outdated information from our NMSU site. If there is information from that site that you need to access, please email